Thursday 7 July 2011

Insomnia Strike

Before I proceed to my entry today I would like to inform you guys. On Wednesday all the bloggers will post only a photograph without any words or description. The photo bring some message, have  deep meaning, or precious to the author.  The photo itself says so much that it doesn’t need any description. We called it as wordless Wednesday.

okay. Now proceed

       Hurm. These past few days I had a sleepless night. I had once didn’t slept for the whole night. Besides, I also frequently woke up in the middle of night. What wrong with me? I guess I was stroke by insomnia. So to confirm it I started google .

       For those who never listen to the word or barely know about it, insomnia is the disability of a person to have an inadequate or poor-quality sleep. This may due to difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night with difficulty returning to sleep, waking up too early in the morning or unrefreshing sleep.

Yup! I had difficulty falling asleep and waking up frequently during the night. But when I checked the cause that bring to this situation, I don’t think it was me.

I don’t worry about anything
I don’t feel stress or depress these day
I don’t take caffeine cause I dislike coffee a lot
I don’t take any medicine that would disrupt my sleep
I don’t have any disease such as kidney disease, Parkinson, asthma and etc.

       Out of sudden something cross my mind. During orientation weeks my super-duper Chinese senior asked me to list 10 things that person with insomnia supposed to do for them to become sleepy. So I did it in order to get that senior signature. Some of them that I still remember:

  1. Stare at the mosquito or fly that flying in your bedroom.
  2. Tidy up the whole house until you get tired and feel sleepy
  3. Read physiology reference book *the killer and bored subject for faculty of medicine students*
  4. Exercise vigorously or work out in the middle of night 
Others I can’t remember. So if you guys also have insomnia this tips might be help. But no guarantee because I don’t get any approval from any health association. So it may have some side effect which I never know. Haha. But if it's doesn’t work please stop doing it.


shiemah el even said...

yup..i noe bout wordless wednesday why we need to follow those's like a trend...i dont like to be in trend..just do wut we want laa...

teruna said...

thank you...
i also have this disease...
this, maybe coz this week i have many test and assigment to submit...
maybe i feel stress...
sekali lagi terima kasih kerana tips anda

ezatieya said...

but i like that idea of wordless wednesday. another way we can express our feeling or share our story with others. i don't think it's just a trend. for me i think picture do talking. people have different opinion. i respect yours

ezatieya said...

teruna, hope you can absorb all those stress and do your best to finish the assignments and tackle the test question. but don't let yourself to stay up till late at night cause insomnia will eventually bring a bad or severe effect to yourself. i hope my tips useful and work on you even it's sound silly.

shiemah el even said...

zati: hari2 bagi aku wordless sbb ak hari2 post gmbr & mcm at my tumblr.

naaa~~ ak da update my blog & now it open for evrybody after process BERSIH 2.0 (not that yellow laa~).

i copycat yours!haha!

ezatieya said...

mmg kalu kat tumblr org suka post gambar la. woot2! i am coming to your page!! mmg btol2 educated la post ko. ciap ada orbicularis oculi and whatsoever! solute!

shiemah el even said...'s not all about educated..sje buat2 bengong sket..since this sem break, i had suffered a new disease.."extreem rest & digest symptom by parasympathetic innervation due to unbalanced ion charge in my body...kuekekeeu...sngt la bengong!

ezatieya said...

disease pe 2? mcm complicated sgt je bunyinye.. parasympathetic innervation ko over control body ko ea? haha.. aq pn kat cni sme je. dah xgne sympathetic. hoho

shiemah el even said...

mne x nye..hari2 keje mkn & tdo...mmg parasympathetic & pathetic la..haha

ezatieya said...

haha..xpe la.. nanti kt kolej sympathetic plak bkeje.. so skarang biarkn dy bersenang lenang brehat dlu

shiemah el even said...

eee...xboley2..raye da nk dkt..bdn kne maintaim r wey..haha!

ezatieya said...

haha..berat aq pn dh naik.. xsmpt nk maintain.huhu