Last time I attended a Gala Night with the theme AIDS Awareness. So, let me share a few facts about AIDS
AIDS and HIV very close related. Our people always misunderstood. AIDS is a disease while HIV is a virus that cause AIDS. A.I.D.S stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused by HIV *human immunodeficiency virus*. HIV act by infect the immune system of human. HIV destroys the white blood cells that are required to fight infection. Thus, the immune system of the infected person gradually become weaken. It unable to defense body towards many pathogens. It also attacks the central nervous system.
The biggest fact here is, the person with AIDS doesn’t die because of AIDS itself but from secondary infection. For example are pneumonia, tuberculosis, meningitis and also fungal diseases. The person may also develop certain form of cancer which eventually cause death. This occur because the virus destroybody immune system. As the white cell count falls to dangerous levels, numerous infections and diseases emerge. At this point a person is said to have AIDS. Thus, when pathogen attack, the body unable to counteract it. Body has lose third defense mechanism. So that person with HIV positive is very easily to get infection by other pathogens, bacteria and viruses.
AIDS is commonly causes by the spread of the HIV virus via sexual intercourse, contaminated needles, or blood transfusion. The pregnant women can pass HIV to her baby through the placenta or breast milk. Another cause of AIDS is through the transmission of the HIV virus via accidental inoculation from patient to a health care worker.
The risk of HIV transmission by blood transfusion is approximately 1/500,000. It is about 0.000002. It may small approximation yet we need to take this seriously. HIV can survive only in body fluid such as semen, blood and vaginal fluid. That are the best medium for HIV transmission. Unscreened contaminated blood used in a blood transfusion can also transmit HIV to healthy person. However, AIDS cannot be spread by touching, sharing of food or through the use of public toilets.
Initial signs and symptoms of HIV include headache, tiredness, nausea, diarrhea, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, armpits or groin. The early signs and symptoms are often mistaken for the flu or a mild viral infection. The only way to know for sure if you are infected with HIV is to be tested. Many people infected with HIV do not have any signs and symptoms at all for many years. But the signs of late-stage HIV infection can be easily seen. However it is useless at that time to know you are already at the late stage.
The best way to encounter this disease is by
prevention. This include having sexual relationship with one partner or using condom during copulation. Avoid sharing needles and syringesby drug users is one of the best way. More awareness campaigns should be carry out to educate publics and students. For example, we as UM pharmacy students had support the campaign during our Gala Night. Furthermore, the counseling should be provided to the HIV infected peoples so they don’t spread the virus to other people around.
- The LH, Lee C, Wong TW, Chan SK,2006. Biology Form 5 textbook. Malaysia: Arah Pendidikan SDN BHD.